Ye Han answered Lengling’s question truthfully. Just as Lengling wanted to continue asking questions, he saw Ye Han’s eyes slightly closed as if he were reviewing something.

Seeing that Lengling didn’t ask questions immediately, he saw that Ye Han opened his eyes again at the right time and then asked, "Is there anything strange about him besides that?" Ye Hanwen suddenly froze and pondered for a while before he smiled and laughed. "If you want to say something strange, I think it […]

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Nangong Che naturally knew this. It should be said that he had been psychologically prepared long before he came. After listening to Jun Moying’s words, he did not see any displeasure but was sincerely grateful.

"Thank you for your kindness and kindness." After thinking about it, he slightly reminded his lips and smiled with a hint of joke. "Before my father came out of the palace, he also asked me to bring him a toffee from Donglan. What do you mean?" This is a pro-rhythm! Feng lifted her head in […]

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"Mom caught the old woman absolutely want to put her skin cramps down bone dust or hard to drain my heart hate! "A sullen god king eyes staring at the front not far away quickly escape up.and bad to ruthlessly say.

"Well, you must not spare him lightly!" Smell speech another person is also look move insidious smile nodded his head. "In that case, we can’t let her go. Come on, we must catch her. Look at her immortal strength. It should be a vein of frost temple. The status in the temple is not low. […]

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