In the middle of Baishi’s speech, he changed his tune and said with a smile, "I have something to do today. Go ahead."

Suzuki Garden is a little disappointed, but seeing Baishi is really not interested in shopping, it’s a pity to wave his hand and leave. Baishi came home and took it out of his backpack, still shaking his mobile phone. This mobile phone was modified by Hongye, which was very strange. Later, after he almost missed […]

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"Ten catties of meat can be exchanged for a wisp of condensed gold and iron gas or gold and iron objects can also be exchanged for them."

Said a finger beside the body of animals. "Golden iron gas?" One person frowned. "Source crystal, star coin?" Gold and iron gas is not uncommon, but it is not much after refining weapons. Concise gold and iron gas needs its own essence to nourish the waves, but it will also consume a lot. Few people […]

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"Before? Was I in poor health before? Elder sister, I have asked you several times, why don’t you tell me how you got the scar on your face? "Qiang has always been very concerned about this question.

If my sister doesn’t have this scar on her face, she is definitely a very beautiful girl. It is no problem to find a well-off family to marry with such a face. At that time, he can also follow his sister to enjoy food and drink spicy food. No, it’s hard here every day. Ye […]

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And because many sects were born, various Daimon Masaru sects quickly formed several major forces with the embodiment of their strength. Among them, there were ten sects in the original right path, and the original evil spirits also formed many power alliances when they stayed.

However, it was the three alliances that attracted Tianchen’s attention, namely Longmen, Tianmen and Magic Gate. Longmen is a joint organization, which is led by the state to form a sect alliance. No matter whether it is the original right way or the magic way, it is only necessary for the state to handle affairs. […]

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Of course, Huang Yin-li’s abnormal attitude will not only make people suspect that he has fallen in love with the sunrise!

She is the innate superiority of Princess Qingda, which makes her feel that there are some ways to bear Huang Yin-li and put too much attention on other women! At this moment, I have already had a bad feeling for my grandson! But good upbringing makes her not easy to show it! Su Ling’s attitude […]

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I’m too busy to learn to drive these days. Zhuo Qiang plans to take some time off to learn to drive and get a driver’s license. I’ll never go to Dont Ask For Help again.

Back home, Zhuo Qiang told Zhuo Wenhao about the dock problem so that he could be psychologically prepared, but Zhuo Qiang felt that something might not happen. Those hand docks in Zhang Junjie are repairing the road surface and those simple facilities. If that Feng Lu has an eye, he can definitely see that these […]

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